Monday, January 11, 2010

Real Estate Car Magnets Why Do Real Estate Agents Feel The Need To Put Their Picture Everywhere?...?

Why do real estate agents feel the need to put their picture everywhere?...? - real estate car magnets

on your business cards, ads, bus bench, billboard, a small refrigerator magnets, and even in their cars, what's wrong, and I think that going for at least 99% of all real estate agents.


Asia L Cross, PREVA said...

Because if someone sees the name or photo anywhere agents in a given area who think he / she is the agent doing business in this area. As with all marketing tactics, the more you get your name, logo or image, including the well known there, and you will cause more companies to it.

Asia L Cross, PREVA said...

Because if someone sees the name or photo anywhere agents in a given area who think he / she is the agent doing business in this area. As with all marketing tactics, the more you get your name, logo or image, including the well known there, and you will cause more companies to it.

kadnil said...

I can tell, people do not remember the names that look like faces. I have a friend who could not remember the name of a real estate agent when he sold his house, but remembered the picture a real estate agent who was) on a poster for the cover (very ugly that he wore. For this reason, you need pictures to remember their faces.

magnolia said...

Everything is marketing. Someone look like, how they feel they are reliable, fun to work with him, he remembers a friend, etc. and the kind of person to buy the work or wants to sell a house.

It also contributes to the realization of how Nike has its symbol, and many others.

magnolia said...

Everything is marketing. Someone look like, how they feel they are reliable, fun to work with him, he remembers a friend, etc. and the kind of person to buy the work or wants to sell a house.

It also contributes to the realization of how Nike has its symbol, and many others.

Andrew P said...

Because when the market said, eyes staring at you and May can be hypnotic, rather than increasing sales.


Paul H said...

They do not feel the need. They know the needs. One word: branding! If you ever come at all locations Jo Han Mok, after reading this are, you understand why he was the representative of the top Internet marketing for 8 years was online. Your picture on each of their pages. Real or not, is the hallmark of the road. Customers buy your product and not the product of each.

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